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About Quick Password Generator (QPG)

Secure accounts need secure passwords.

Often businesses will automatically expire passwords. Don't just add a new character to your old password.

Let QPG make you a new, secure password. Now every time you need a new password you are ready.

Generate and write down(!) your new cryptographically secure password and you are done. Use QPG as often as you like; for free!

QPG "forgets" your password the moment you close the app or generate a new password. Your password is not stored or shared.


  • Quickly generates a secure passowrd
  • Passwords are not saved or shared
  • Pick your password length


  • QPG Screen 1
  • QPG Screen 2

Please email us at to let us know of features you would like to have added or bugs needing fixing.

Privacy & Security Policy

Version History

Branch Behind Ahead Updated Description 2021-02-16 Initial Published Version